Autoethnography Method 自我民族誌研究法

作者 | 古佳欣(輔仁大學宗教學系博士生)

“Autoethnography Method” PowerPoint presentation has been prepared by Sr. Katarzyna Kubica (古佳欣修女), PhD. student in the FJCU Religious Studies Department. It was shared on April 24th, 2023 during the course lecture of Prof. Tsai Yi-jia on research methods in religious studies for the Religious Studies Graduate Program students.
The presentation comprises 13 slides that situate the autoethnographic method within the methodological horizon; explain its auto, ethno and graphic components; inform about the role, philosophical and epistemological origins; guide through the procedure and provide exemplary themes for research.
Autoethnography is an advanced and useful method for those researchers who wish to connect personal experience (auto) with the broader context of cultural beliefs, practices, and identities (ethno) by construing thick, insightful, compelling and evocative text/performance/digital work (graphy).

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